Mums are amazing all year round, no matter whether she’s teaching you how to cook her secret cake recipes, or being a sympathetic ear to listen to you vent! So of course, all around the world, there’s a day dedicated to just her, letting mum relax, take a breather and be pampered.
But where does the tradition of Mother’s Day even come from?
Here in the UK we celebrate Mother’s Day on the 4th Sunday of Lent, adapted from the original Mothering Sunday. This harks all the way back to the 16th century when nobles and servants alike would have a holiday day in order to return to their ‘mother church’, spending the day with family.
But the modern version started far later – on the 12 May 1907, when an American woman named Anna Jarvis held a memorial service in honour of her mother, and encouraged others to do the same. By 1914 it had grown in popularity and was made a national holiday, celebrated annually to this day, on the 2nd Sunday of May.
Back in the UK, Mothering Sunday was waning in popularity, so inspired by the growth in the US Constance Penswick Smith started her own Mothering Sunday Movement – and the rest is history.
So now – up to the modern day – treating your Mum to a special gift, from flowers to a pamper session, is a great way to celebrate a special day. If you’re looking for something a bit more personal to gift, read on and we’ll pass on a few of our favourite Mother’s Day gifting ideas…

Traditionally flowers are gifted for Mother’s Day – but if you’d like to gift your Mum something a little longer lasting, why not choose a scarf , necklace or even a DIY kit themed around them? Our selection focuses on the idea of Birth Flowers, where each month of the year is represented by its own flower, such as the Daffodil for March, and the Larkspur for July.
Jewellery is a classic gift for mum, particularly popular for those with a more understated style, and we have a selection specially selected for her, including birth flower themed, and sweet mama bear options. Whether she wears warmer rose gold shades, or prefers the timeless gold, a piece of jewellery chosen by you is sure to bring a smile to her face.
And if you want to take it a little further to make a special piece she’ll treasure for all time, you can add engraving of your choice. Perhaps hidden inside a locket or secret message necklace, on the charms of a keyring, or even as a statement on the front of a necklace. There’s even a personalised coffee mug for those practical always on the go mums, with her name (and coffee order) engraved on!
And of course, sometimes the best reminder when you’re far apart is a photograph. For a piece of you that your mum can carry with her every day, whether it’s close to her heart in a locket, taking pride of place on the wall in a print, or with her every time she leaves the house on her keys.
Sometimes we leave things to the last minute, or hunt all around and only find the perfect piece right at the end. For those occasions, don’t stress – we can ship your order on the same day, as long as you order by 12pm. So if you’re not sure yet, we’ll be here ready to make your mum’s day whenever you are!